Ensure you are prepared for Import Control System 2 release 3

Customs filing requirements are changing for goods being imported to or transiting through the European Union. The third release of ICS2 went live on 3 June 2024 for maritime, and the deployment window of November 4 for Wallenius Wilhelmsen is fast approaching. With these requirements being driven by customer regulations, now is the time to start preparing and providing new data elements.


Our systems are now ready to receive the additional elements for ICS2 compliance, and we have adjusted our booking and bill of lading procedures to adhere with customs requirements.

What is the impact?

To comply, you will need to provide additional elements and more detailed information for any shipments imported to or transiting the European Union on their way to other destinations.

Some of the most frequent elements include:

- A 6-digit Harmonized System Code (HS Code)

- A complete and accurate commercial description of the goods

- The EORI number of the consignee registered in the EU. We recommend providing for all parties involved that are registered in the EU.

- Additional details of parties involved (for instance, seller, buyer, the lowest bill of lading level consignee, consignor)

This list is provided as a courtesy (without guarantee) for your reference. You should refer to and rely on the actual regulations to make sure you are in compliance. Refer to European Commission’s website.

What shipments need to comply?

These additional elements are needed for all cargo being imported to or transiting through the European Union. This means that cargo loaded in European ports that will leave the EU and re-enter on the same voyage will be subject to the new requirements. As many Wallenius Wilhelmsen voyages from Europe leave EU customs territory at some point and then re-enter so all cargo onboard would need to be declared to Customs and comply with ICS2 data requirements.

The EORI requirement is based on the party location, not cargo destination. This means that EORI is needed for the Consignee party if they are based in an EU country. It is not needed if the consignee is based outside of an EU country.

What are the risks of not being compliant?

EU customs may reject ENS declarations for lack of complete data. This could lead to shipments being held at EU ports, delays in clearing shipments, and/or possible administrative sanctions for non-compliance.

If any EU customs stop clearance of your Goods because declaration of goods is inadequate, all costs incurred by the carrier, terminal operator or related parties shall be for the customer account. Start gathering your data now and provide it with your shipment instructions.

For more information about how ICS2 - Release 3 affects you, please visit the European Commission's website.