Wallenius Wilhelmsen releases a Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework
Oslo, 9 February 2022 --- Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA (OSE: WAWI) releases a
Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework ("Framework") linked to our carbon
intensity reduction target. The Framework is available at
Torbjørn Wist, acting CEO, says: "Wallenius Wilhelmsen is establishing a
Framework that can be used for future financings. This will allow financial
partners who share our commitment to sustainability to align their investments
with our carbon emission reduction strategy. Together we contribute to the
development of sustainable financial markets.
Our target to reduce carbon intensity by 27.5% by 2030 is ambitious
"Our Framework's goal is to reduce CO2 intensity from our shipping operations
with 27.5 % by 2030 - along a defined trajectory of annual targets compared to
the base year 2019," says Wist. "The target is set to guide our efforts in line
with current climate science and the Paris Agreement. It implies reducing our
CO2 intensity by more than 50% reduction from 2008 to 2030. This exceeds the
IMO's 2030 target of 40% reduction across international shipping."
Future sustainability-linked financings would include a pricing clause linked to
our annual targets. The Framework's KPI is defined as the weighted average CO2
intensity, measured on owned and long-term charter vessels. The calculation is
based on data reported to the IMO on an annual basis. We commit to reporting on
our progress under the Framework on an annual basis.
Energy efficiency initiatives are key to achieve the target
"In aggregate, operational and technical initiatives to improve energy
efficiency are expected to contribute to approximately half the targeted
reduction, while future asset replacement initiatives will contribute to the
second half," says Wist who emphasizes that the company will revert on its fleet
renewal strategy later in the year. The company's plans on how to achieve the
target are outlined in the Framework.
The Company has developed the Framework in accordance with the
Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles (SLBP) established by the International
Capital Markets Association in June 2020, and the Sustainability Linked Loan
Principles (SLLP) updated by the Loan Market Association, the Asia Pacific Loan
Market Association and the Loan Syndications and Trading Association in May
Wallenius Wilhelmsen may under this framework issue different securities,
including but not limited to bonds, loans and schuldscheins.
CICERO Shades of Green has provided a Second Party Opinion on this Framework,
while DNV has issued a Verification Statement for the KPI level in 2019 and
2020. Both are available on our website.
For further information, please contact:
Investor relations: Anette Orsten, VP Global Treasury & IR.
Tel: +47 980 67 912, email: anette.orsten@walwil.com
Media relations: Anette Maltun Koefoed, VP Corporate Communications.
Tel: +47 975 87 999, email: anette.maltunkoefoed@walwil.com
About Wallenius Wilhelmsen
The Wallenius Wilhelmsen group (OSE: WAWI) is a market leader in RoRo shipping
and vehicle logistics, transporting cars, trucks, rolling equipment and
breakbulk around the world. The company operates over 130 vessels servicing 16
trade routes to six continents, and a global inland distribution network,
processing centers, and marine terminals all over the world. The Wallenius
Wilhelmsen group consists of Wallenius Wilhelmsen Ocean, Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Solutions, EUKOR and ARC. The group is headquartered in Oslo, Norway with 8,200
employees in 29 countries worldwide.