Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA: Sale of shares by primary insider
Erik Nøklebye, alternate board member, has today sold 10,102 shares in Wallenius
Wilhelmsen at an average price of NOK 112 per share. Following the sale, Mr.
Nøklebye holds no shares in Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA.
Please refer to the attached notification for further details.
For further information, please contact:
Anders Redigh Karlsen, VP Global IR & Market Insight
Tel: +47 994 20 293 Email: anders.karlsen@walwil.com
Or visit our website:
About Wallenius Wilhelmsen
The Wallenius Wilhelmsen group is a market leader in roll-on/roll-off (RoRo)
shipping and vehicle logistics, managing the distribution of cars, trucks,
rolling equipment and breakbulk to customers all over the world. The company
operates around 125 vessels servicing 15 trade routes to six continents, a
global inland distribution network, 66 processing centers and eight marine
terminals. With a head office in Oslo, Norway, the Wallenius Wilhelmsen group
has 9,500 employees working across 28 countries worldwide.