General offer to employees in Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA to purchase shares
Today, three primary insiders in Wilh. Wilhelmsen
ASA (WWASA) purchased 205 shares in the company
from "Stiftelsen for aksjer og hytter i WW-gruppen" -
a Wilh. Wilhelmsen foundation, under a general offer
to employees in Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA and fully owned
subsidiaries in Norway, to purchase shares for up to
NOK 7,500 with a 20 % discount.
The shares were purchased at NOK 36,50 (minus a 20 %
discount) per share, and the holdings for the primary
insiders after the transaction is listed below.
Per Brinchmann owns and controls 934 shares
Anders Eckbo owns and controls 205 shares
Frode Magnus Haukedal owns and controls 1347 shares
This information is subject of the disclosure
requirements pursuant to section 4-2 of the Norwegian
Securities Trading Act.