COVID-19 update #3

COVID-19 is a rapidly progressing issue, and we are continuing to follow developments very closely. We are taking a precautionary approach to safeguard the health and safety of our employees, crew, business partners and members of the public, whilst striving to avoid adverse operational impact.

To that end we have activated strict health and safety routines in line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and our operations across the world are following governmental advice to minimize risk of exposure as well as operational impact.

The spread of the coronavirus is causing disruptions along all parts of the supply chain, and we are committed to working together with you to find the best possible solutions in these trying times.

In ports & terminals

All our terminals have strict access and health controls in place and are currently operating as normal or with minimal disruptions. Similarly, the ports we call are operational, though we see supply chain disturbances in the form of space constraints in certain locations and stricter routines meaning entering the port may take more time than usual.

On the Ocean

We remain responsive in our ocean operations and at this time see little impact on our schedules. In these uncertain times, trust and transparency will be crucial to minimizing disruptions. Going forward, service demand is unlikely to follow normal patterns as the spread of the coronavirus wanes in one area and accelerates in another, and we will adjust schedules and capacity accordingly.

For crew on our vessels we have put in place rigorous biosecurity processes and minimize contact with persons from affected countries. This includes avoiding crew change and shore leave, and minimizing interpersonal exchanges when in affected areas. Enhanced food safety and hygiene has also been mandated.

At our processing centres

We are taking every precaution to ensure safe working environments at our vehicle processing and equipment processing centres. Our processing centres are fully operational, and we hope these measures together with detailed contingency planning will also serve to reduce the risk of service disruptions.

At our offices

At some of our offices employees work from home, or staff is reduced to ensure business continuity.

Meetings & visitors

We remain available for regular phone conversations and virtual meetings, however we advise against traveling to our sites unless absolutely critical. In line with our precautionary approach, our employees will avoid travel and physical meetings. Visitors will be asked to complete an advance screening to ensure they have not travelled to any affected regions or been in contact with persons suffering from COVID-19.

Going forward

Risk mapping and scenario planning are a natural part of our precautionary approach, and we will continue to be in close dialogue with customer and business partners. We will be as proactive and transparent as possible in communicating any impacts to operations.

Your Wallenius Wilhelmsen contact will keep you updated on any specific changes. You can also always reach our customer care teams here.

We will continue to follow developments closely, keeping in close contact with customers and business partners, working to together for the best possible outcomes.

Further information on the Novel Corona virus on WHO